Thank You For Your Impact
Sent February 7, 2024
Thank You, You Did it!
Your donations have helped us raise over $65,000! No donation was too small or too big. Your ongoing support helps our mission to create, sustain, and promote affordable housing in the community we all love, here in Wellfleet. We are excited to focus on several housing initiatives and programs in the coming year including Maurice’s Campground, 95 Lawrence Road now named the Residences at Lawrence Hill, the ADU Loan Program, and much more. For more information on how you can get involved and make an impact on our year-round community, click here.
Join us and help sustain our
year-round community
The Wellfleet Housing Authority (WHA) is seeking people to run for a seat at the Town elections in May. Richard Ciotti, who has been a valued member of the Authority, is stepping down after many years of service. If you want to be part of creating the housing needed to sustain our year-round community, this is the committee for you!
The WHA is a five-member committee that currently meets once a month. With a minimum commitment of time, you can make a big difference.
The WHA works closely with the Local Housing Partnership, the Affordable Housing Trust, and other committees to advance the many exciting efforts currently underway, including Lawrence Hill and Maurice’s campground. Read about how we each support housing here.
The WHA oversees several programs including the Buy Down program, making grants available to first-time homebuyers, a Down Payment and Closing Costs loan program, and a Rental Assistance Program. We have part-time Housing Specialist services provided by the Community Development Partnership (CDP) in Orleans and we work closely with the Homeless Prevention Council (HPC) in Orleans.
Positions on the WHA are elected and if you are interested in running, nomination papers can be taken out at the Town Clerk’s Office and must be returned by March 11, 2024.
If you’d like more information about the WHA, please email WHA Chair Elaine McIlroy at:
What We Are Excited About in 2024!
Healey-Driscoll Administration Announces New Affordable Housing Development Across the State including Residences at Lawrence Hill
On January 22, 2024, Gov. Healey, Lt. Gov. Kim Driscoll, and Secretary of Housing and Livable Communities Ed Augustus announced funding for 26 affordable housing projects in 19 communities across the state including The Residences at Lawrence Hill. Development team members Aaron Gornstein and Vita Shklovsky from Preservation of Affordable Housing and Jay Coburn, CEO of the Community Development Partnership attended the announcement in Boston.
The Town of Wellfleet’s investment of land, a largely grant funded wastewater treatment facility and $1.85 Million in town funds will leverage an investment of over $23 Million in State subsidies and tax credits. The 46 units of affordable and community housing will serve residents with a range of incomes. With this major hurdle in the rear-view mirror, developers hope to begin the 20-month construction period in 6 to 12 months.
“These housing projects are a great example of why we expanded the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit in our tax cut bill,” said Governor Healey. Last fall, as part of a $1 billion tax relief signed by the governor, the Administration raised the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit to $60 million annually – a $20 million increase over the previous year.
“Wellfleet citizens have been incredibly supportive of this project. With a unanimous decision from the Zoning Board of Appeals, no public opposition, significant local funding, and a beautiful, energy-efficient design this was a very compelling project for the State to support,” said Jay Coburn, CEO of the Community Development Partnership. Click here to read more.
Maurice’s Campground
The Maurice’s Campground Planning Committee is pleased to announce that we received six qualified proposals in response to a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Master Planning Services for the Campground. During the application period, the RFP was open to anyone requesting it, and interested parties were required to register with the Assistant Town Manager so that any relevant information could be sent to all those considering applying. Click here to see the Request for Proposals (RFP) for Master Planning Services for Maurice’s Campground.
Next steps: The committee is currently carefully considering each proposal according to the procedures stated in the RFP. Stay tuned! We will do our best to keep the community informed and engaged.
Wellfleet Affordable Housing Trust Forgivable ADU Unit Loan Program
The Wellfleet Affordable Housing Trust is sponsoring a new forgivable loan program for property owners who create an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) that will be rented affordably for a minimum of five years.
The Wellfleet Affordable Housing Trust will make four (4) $10,000, no interest, forgivable loans, available to Wellfleet property homeowners to create an ADU that they will rent affordably for a minimum of 5 years.
Program funds can be used toward the conversion of an existing apartment (permitted or non-permitted) into a legal ADU. For more information and to view the program guidelines and application
please visit Send applications or questions to:
To learn more about CDP's ADU Resource Center click to play the YouTube video at 33:00.
Project Updates
Freeman Avenue
The Town is slated to reissue a Request for Proposal (RFP) to build a single-family home.
Habitat for Humanity - Old King's Highway
Early infrastructure work has been completed, and we will begin the foundation and septic work for the four-home build by mid-winter 2024. Plans are underway for a fall wall-raising. The Community Preservation Committee (CPC) approved $175,000 that will go to the Annual Town Meeting for consideration.
Paine Hollow
The rental homes at Paine Hollow Road in Wellfleet will be developed and managed by Community Housing Resource (CHR) as a new construction of 8 rental homes on 4.96 acres with 3 acres dedicated as open space. All units are single-level living and either fully ADA-compliant or visitable.
Wellfleet awarded CHR designated developer status in 2006. CHR has pursued and obtained Conservation Commission approval and has sustained an abutter legal challenge. Other regulatory and funding approvals are being pursued.
CHR is estimated to need an additional $1 million for infrastructure work to move forward.
Rental Assistance Program
The Wellfleet Rental Assistance program provides a stipend to bridge the gap between an individual’s income and the high cost of rent. To be eligible, the applicant must be a year-round resident of the town of Wellfleet, with a total household income that does not exceed 100% of the area median income.
Applicants are accepted on a rolling basis. Program participation will be awarded to eligible households as funding allows. To submit an application or to learn more, please contact the Homeless Prevention Council office at 508-255-9667.